Thursday, November 19, 2009

WR Prompt 10: break up or make up?

For this post I want you to brainstorm 4 lists:

The first two are simply a honest, contemplative, and thorough list of the advantages and disadvantages of the role of the "corporate media" in our personal lives/ society at large. It's like when you know you have to break up with your boyfriend/ girlfriend but aren't sure why:) Minimum 10 each, maximum ??? This doesn't have to be complete sentences (unless it's necessary to explain nuances) but can be an itemized list.

A1- PROs
B1- CONs

Discuss your associations & the (direct and indirect) ramifications you see in each item of both lists.
This can be a list of various elements: associations (metaphors or more literal connections), emotional responses (rage/ indifference/ satisfaction, etc.), and a full consideration of the consequences (self-image, financial empowerment, exploitation,

A2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the PROs
B2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the CONs

You have plenty of ammunition supplied by Lasn and our discussions (albeit mostly on the negative side). Watching "The Corporation" will supply you with more. I want you to draw from these sources, (putting Lasn or whatever other source you reference in parentheses next to items that are direct references to his terminology- i.e. if you mention "infotoxins" or "jolts"), but ultimately these lists will reflect your take on the role of the corporate media in your lives. Write a section at the end summing up your conclusions. You might be leaning towards one bias or another, or maybe it's a mixed picture where you're split. Explain what going through this list/association made you think of; how did it solidify or destabilize your opinion of the corporation? Do you need to need to let him go or are you still in love? Or are there serious changes that need to happen to ensure trust and sustainability? enough with the relationship metaphor... go for it!