Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hello all,

Here is the cyber-space where you will be posting your weekly responses.

The IDEA is:

1) the opportunity to continue *intelligent* discussion (of the topics you encounter in lecture as well as our weekly discussion sessions)

2) to TYPE loudly (for those of you who are timid in group, or for those simply need some gestation time to make sense of it all)

and ultimately,

3) to provide a means to access visual culture/ the "ART WORLD" via links that you all might include in your blog posts.

To post: click on "post a comment," copy and paste your 1-page word document, and submit.

Be sure to include something like "Response #1" in the title of your post.

If you have any questions or concerns let me know.

See you all soon:)



  1. Hello all,

    I will go over the post expectations/ parameters more on Tuesday when we meet. For now, just know that the weekly statement is a reflection on what you learn in lecture, your reading, our discussion sessions, and ultimately how you relate this to your own life and work as ARTISTS. For this week only, the statement doesn't need to be posted by Tuesday (Sept, 15). Just start thinking about it and have it posted (along with next week's) before the 2nd Discussion session (Sept.22).

    looking forward to meeting you all,

  2. just thought you all might be interested:

  3. Post #1:Alyssa Olson

    Jensen’s article “Beyond Hope” was very enlightening to me. With the dire situations that our nation is currently facing many people are simply relying on hope to carry us through. This is completely useless and does not fix any of the issues. Jensen’s article touched a lot on the complacent and quite honestly, the laziness, which our country and society has adopted recently. With this false idea of hope no one is motivated to get up and make a change, to start the fight against whatever is suppressing us. The time of the revolutionaries has passed and now we live in a country with the mentality that someone else will do it, that one voice is not enough, that the fight is not worth it. This lack of responsibility has led to the massive crisis we are facing environmentally, financially and socially. The people have lost the power.

    I was particularly fond of the part of the article where Jensen discusses losing hope and having a part of yourself die. At first glance this seems to be very harsh and quite unconvincing. Yet Jensen is speaking of allowing the irresponsible and unmotivated part of yourself to die; to realize that we do have the power, if we just choose to use it. I have always been interested in the movements of the 1960’s and how just one group of people where able to change so much in our country and in the world. I felt Jensen’s article was very reminiscent to this state of mind and it is very comforting to know that there are still people in this country that think in such a way.

    In our day and age we rely very heavily on outside sources to guide us through our lives and to fix any problems or issues that may arise. Due to this we have become dependant on other people. Not every person takes full advantage of this but majority of the population expects others to fix the major issues in our society. This mentality is what allowed our nation to be in the situation it currently is. We must lose our hope to begin this fight.
    I believe Jensen’s article very well highlighted many things wrong with our country and our societies current mindset. His ideas have inspired me to be more vocal but most of all to take more risks and give myself the credit I deserve. Without hope in our lives we no longer stay in our comfort levels, which is truly how one makes something incredible happen.


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