Sunday, October 11, 2009

World Changing Post #7

World Changing Post #7

Alyssa Olson

Doing The Right Thing Can Be Delicious

This article began by going over the fast food society that we currently live in. Very few people buy fresh items at the store and take them home to cook every night. Most of us live hectic lives that force us to rely on fast food products. Despite the high number of calories in these foods they also are drenched with chemicals and preservatives that can cause a number of health problems. The U.S. uses a large amount of fossil fuels to produce these products and we have an abundance of food yet people are still starving in our country.

The slow food movement was created to help combat these issues. The slow food movement aims to support local farmers and producers and most of all to have people slow their lives down and take time to make their food. The slow food movement is reminiscent of the times when you would have friends and family over to cook and entertain in the kitchen, learning new recipes, and enjoying the fruits of your local venue. This movement has been adapted in over 40 countries and seems to have a large standing in Ann Arbor.

The article then went on to talk about sustainable farming, this type of farming uses 30% less fossil fuels than regular farming. It also produces foods that are organic and free from chemicals and pesticides. Sustainable farming is also very good on the land. By rotating crops and tilling the soil the land thrives and actually stands up better in floods and droughts than regular farms.

This article caught my attention because at my job we buy all local produce and also are part of the slow food movement. Almost every ingredient we use is homemade and most people can really taste the difference. The idea of sustainable farming is great and maybe if the government, either local or federal, gave an incentive to farmers to go sustainable and organic then more would join in and we would help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

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