Friday, November 13, 2009

World Changing Post #6

Conserving Water- Page 187

Rebecca Tulis

I chose to read the article entitled Conserving Water because the conservation of water is an issue I know of but don’t necessarily think about too often. The article talked about how little changes in one’s home can make a huge difference. For instance, the idea of a more efficient shower and low-flow toilet can be utilized in order to conserve. The article also expressed how important it is to know where the used water goes after it is used and use that knowledge to recycle it.

Recycling the water we bathe in can ultimately reduce the amount of water we waste each day. What I found to be beneficial to recycling one’s shower water is the fact that we don’t have to worry how much water we are using during our showers. I find it interesting that there are such products out there that when the water goes down a drain, it is immediately cleaned and therefore can be reused. However, I don’t understand why people are unaware of technologies that can make such a huge difference. I feel that while money may be a concern, if more people were aware of what they can do to redesign their homes in order to conserve water, they would make more of an effort to do so.

ReHOUSE/BATH is a program made to help people realize how much water they are using and therefore conserve. Programs like these can make people aware of the importance of water conservation but I believe that little acts like using a low-flow water fixture could make a world of difference if more people were to apply them to their homes.

Steffen, Alex. World Changing: A User's Guider for the 21st Century. New York: Abrams, 2008

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