Tuesday, September 29, 2009

False Hope (#1)

By: Ling Jie Gu

Is there such thing as false hope? Hope is an element people on earth never fail to speak about, since they rely on their “hopes” in order to technically “get by” in the world. The theory of false hope may be provocative.

Regarding the environment and environmental issues, hope is a vast powerhouse that keeps the spirit of environmentalists alive. It needs to be pumped to the minds of the people so that they can retaliate and gain momentum to the issues at their hands.

Jensen mentioned: “no matter what environmentalists do, our best efforts are insufficient. We’re losing badly, on every front. Those in power are hell-bent on destroying the planet, and most people don’t care.”

The hope that Jensen mentions to the reader is merely an illusion to the reader. What he refers to as hope seems like a trick used by environmentalists to cloud the perceptions of others who seek such. He mentions that people seems disillusioned about their perceptions on the issues. For instance, his sarcastic mention of Jesus Christ coming to save us all implies that others may be too bent on this disillusionment.

Is there really a false hope? In the end, hope may just be a figment of people’s imaginations, or rather, the excitement that comes with seeing a clear path to success. 

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