Monday, September 28, 2009

World Changing Post #2: Leapfrogging

World Changing Response #2

Alyssa Olson


I chose to read about the idea of “leapfrogging”. This idea is very popular in developing countries such as Kenya and other parts of Africa. For a very long time those in the West have tried to help those in poverty-stricken areas or those in developing countries by trying to have them adopt the ways of the West. Although this usually is of some help to these countries, it never really addresses the core issues or allows them any room to develop any further.

Until recently many of the same forms of aid were being used until designers finally realized that these societies are drastically different than our own and maybe that was the fundamental design flaw. Just because it works in the West does not mean it will work everywhere else. These other countries have not only different climates, societies, needs, and languages, but different lives in general. Once people began realizing this the idea of “leapfrogging” was born. Instead of giving these developing nations outdated technology, why not give them the newest technology and save them some money in the long run.

The book used the example of cell phones in Africa. With the introduction of personal cell phones and phone booths in different villages it has allowed these nations to not only build their commerce and trade but also their social standings and it has greatly boosted their employment rates and national income. As we all know having a cell phone makes life a lot less complicated and now that many people of Africa have one it has allowed for the beginning of some development. It has allowed businesses and trades people to gain more work because they can now be reached by phone instead of by word of mouth.

I was extremely inspired by this piece because it focuses on something that majority of our society takes for granted. I never go deep into thought about the importance of my cell phone or how the introduction of cell phones into the U.S. has made not only business means easier but even daily life. The ability to contact and be contacted within a few seconds allows all aspects of our society to become less complicated. Even though not all forms of technology thrive in developing countries, the introduction of cell phones has been nothing but a blessing. I definitely feel more aware not only of global situations but also of how something so many of us take for granted can be a pivotal point within another society.

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