Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Response #2

Lauren Korany

The people who influence us on what is important in nature are the one’s who are willing to change it. A prime example is the course ADPIII. This class pushes it’s artistic attending to make progress in bettering the natural world. If it weren’t for avid activists, documentaries, and broadcasted concerns, people in our society today would tend to ignore what harm they are doing to the environment.

Different cultures become adapted to living with “wild things” and without. Industrialized developed areas become dependent on “needs” that other cultures would consider a luxury. Toilets, running water, and adequate shelter are some “needs” that many people in our developed society have never lived without. Yet, many societies have never had these benefits. I am accustomed to having these “needs” and I must confess that I would be taken aback to live without them. However, I would adapt and so I do not consider modern luxuries as “needs” but more as a comfort that we have the privilege of having on a daily basis.

Public outhouse in Ephesus.

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