Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Response #2


Society has been ignoring nature. We are doing everything we can to save our environment but the fact of the matter is while people may be making the effort, they may not fully comprehend how they are helping. For instance, sure we know how to recycle but does the majority of the population understand why we are doing this? This is because we know little about the environment and what we can do as an individual to make a difference. We are too preoccupied with fitting in with the rest of the world and find ourselves too dependent on technology. For example, both the Internet and television have become two of our favorite leisurely activities. We forget about all the things the environment gives us and instead look to technology as the answer for everything.  Today, if you were to ask an 11-year-old boy if he wanted to go outside for a catch or play a new video game he will most likely veer towards playing the video game. Technology consumes our lives so it is only natural for us to disregard the other aspects of our lives that contribute even more. 

We are too self-absorbed to be thinking about the natural world and to acknowledge just how important it is to our daily lives. As we are walking to class, the last thing we are thinking about are the trees we are passing by. Instead we are looking at others just trying to blend in. There have been many instances where I have looked at the natural world and were emotionally impacted. I love nature. I love hiking through forests, snorkeling around coral reefs and climbing canyons. I love to take the world in as it is. I have stood in places where I have never seen such beauty and I have listened to unusual and natural sounds. I have had many experiences with the natural world and I enjoy taking pictures and painting nature. I, like many people in this world are extremely dependent on technology but that doesn’t mean I can’t be captivated by my environment.

Some people take a lot of pride in their environment and that is why we are making numerous efforts to preserve it. Whether we are fighting against deforestation or promoting recycling, our environment can only take so much damage and disregarding it will only make our lives harder. We depend on nature more than one could possibly know. The natural world is our home and without it we wouldn’t be alive. When it really comes down to it, everything in this world is part of nature. 

Rebecca Tulis


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