Sunday, December 6, 2009

World Changing #4

Lauren Korany

Abrams speaks of the effect of different protest groups (pg 450). Since the 1960s, protest has been a prominent part on changing the established systems of society. In modern times, the Internet has become a powerful tool to set up protest. A familiar group that uses this tool is the Culture Jammers, with Lasn being the prime representative. The Culture Jammers use the Internet and propaganda posters to mimic those of large commercial advertising. An issue with budgeting is present in the group. Do they have enough money to “saturate society” with images like commercial advertising benefits from? The answer is no, but they seem to be reaching a large number of people, and continues with the snowballing effect.

The Day after Tomorrow is a sci-fi action thriller that addresses extreme global warming. In 2004, this was a large attraction in the media. The movie was able to bring the issues of global warming to the Americans in their entertainment. Some were worried about the radical tone of the movie. However, it was effective with its message.

Artists have been able to use protest in their creations. Product designers are creating robodogs, soil testing shoes and mutant babies (pg 453). The “Feral Robotic Dogs” and “Soil Sampling Shoes” test the environment in public. Bansky, a popular graffiti artist from the UK, is known as an “art terrorist.” His work protests the issues with “Big Brother” in English society. His work plays on the roles of civilians and authority as well. Theatre of the Oppressed is a theatre group that specializes in diverse games and interactive theatre techniques. They teach the oppressed citizens how to understand their rights. By taking part in activities with the group, the citizens learn of the law-making processes, allowing them to better understand their unalienable rights. All of these groups are striving for environmental and social change that is critical for the future.

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