Monday, December 7, 2009

World Changing Response 1 Pete

Pete Hall

World Changing Response #1

Consuming Responsibly Pg. 35

I picked this article from the index because of its title, “Consuming Responsibly”. “Ok,” I thought, “How do I consume responsibly?” After reading the short article (I should have known that consuming responsibly was impossible to cover in 3 pages), I have decided that the article should be titled differently. Perhaps “How to pick environmentally friendly clothing, and a tiny bit about home cleaners” would fit the bill. Or even, “American Apparel and Home Method will save us all” would have worked. As is clear, I had hoped this article would be meatier, really dive in to consuming responsibly, but this is really a fallacy for a 3 page article to holistically look at consuming responsibly. I would really like to read an article on how to design responsibly, maybe “Hot Design is Green Design”. But then if there was a 3 page article on how to design responsibly that actually fully covered responsible design, no one would go to design school!

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