Monday, December 14, 2009

World Changing #6 Kathie Chung

World Changing #6
Biodiversity: How Much Nature is Enough? pg. 491
Kathie Chung

I found this article on the preservation of biodiversity very interesting. More and more species of animals and plants are going extinct, mostly due to the affects of humans. Even though humans may try to clone extinct species, it will most likely not be the same because the instincts of different species are learned from their various ecosystems, and therefore the interaction between the species with other outside factors may change how the cloned extinct specie interacts. Frozen zooz, which are frozen genetic zoos from different species DNA, store DNA so that scientists can try to revive and record different species before they go extinct. One way to remember and commemorate those species that went extinct or are about to due to human intervention, tattoos is used as well as other forms of body art. However, even though there are issues of a variety of species on the bridge of extinction, involuntary parks such as the one in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, where there are no human interaction, is slowly starting to be inhabited by rare species that are on the brink of extinction.

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