Sunday, December 13, 2009

world Changing Response #6 Haley Weinger

Response #6:

Page 165: Using Energy Efficiently

This article combines the ideas of reducing energy waster, utilizing solar power, and consummation issues in the developing world. While the ideas were helpful and interesting as it relates to developed nations, it is not viable for those in third world countries to implement the ideas proposed without a “mentor” guiding them and funding the changes. The author fails to consider the cultural issues that play a big role in poor countries when seeking to implement change. Can it be done? Absolutely, nut on a big enough scale to make a difference would require the developed world to make this a priority. It seems unlikely that this will occur until out own culture cares about the environment, sustainability, and reducing out use of energy. Not a few individuals, academic institutions, and a handful of entrepreneurs but a politically significant group of people who are committed to change. 

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