Sunday, December 13, 2009

World Changing Response #1 Haley Weinger

Response #1:

Page 32: Questioning Consumption

This piece encompasses come reasoned arguments against excessive consumption (each year we are utilizing more of the limited resources in existence), with some political and social views of the evils of overconsumption and its negative impact on our “happiness”. The notions of product exchange and voluntary simplicity or mindful consumption were the most useful and practical concepts put forth in this reading. The idea of acting in an intentional focused and purposeful way when acquiring  “stuff” keeps us free of the financial, emotional, and environmental dangers associated with the constant purchases necessitated by our consumer culture. Staying aware of what we need, why we buy and how we can alter our behavior is key to the changing out own choices as well as those of others. Thinking about limiting consumption makes one realize that there is only an upside to attempting to shift perspectives.


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